Imagine a space where your body and mind can truly unwind.

The Services

Holistic Massage Therapy & Bodywork
All-in-One Session

This session isn't just about kneading away muscle knots; it's an experience designed to improve your quality of life on multiple levels. I focus on a broad range of techniques that target your muscles, tissues, and joints. But I don't stop at the physical; I also pay attention to your emotional and energetic state.

Please notice that I am not offering solely massage sessions. My sessions are meant for people who look for connection with their body and are open to somatic and spiritual development for a better quality of life. This is a one-on-one session.

The session includes:

  • Herb Tea and Healthy Snack: Enjoy a soothing herbal tea and a nutritious snack to start your session.

  • Intake: We'll begin by discussing your intentions and goals for the session.

  • Moving or Mindfulness Exercise: Engage in gentle movement or a mindfulness exercise to prepare your body and mind.

  • Full Body Massage: Experience a comprehensive full body head to toe massage tailored to your needs.

  • 10-Minute Cooldown: Relax on the table for a 10-minute cooldown period.

  • Integration: Conclude the session with time for integration, allowing your body and mind to absorb the benefits of the treatment.

    80 mins + 10 mins |  €133 
    6 x 80 mins + 10 mins |  €600 or 3x €200

    with psilocybin
    80 mins + 10 mins | €166
    6 x 80 mins + 10 mins |  €720 or 3x €240

    Microdosing is optional. Based on your experience, you may receive a very small dose (up to 0.15g) of the magic truffles known as 'Golden Teacher.' This can enhance relaxation, promote calmness, and potentially provide valuable insights during the session.

Pregnancy Massage Therapy

Congratulations on your pregnancy! This session is tailored for the expecting mother, to support you on an incredible wonderful journey but a journey that could come with discomfort, fatigue, and heightened tiredness. Experience the massage in a serene seated position and transition, when desired, to a safe laying position. With the added support of soft pillows, both you and your baby are cradled in safety and comfort. Let me pamper you during this precious time, providing a harmonious balance of care and relaxation.

The session includes:

  • Back, Neck, Head, Arms, Legs, Feet, Belly

70 mins |  €75

Back-, Shoulder- & Neck Massage Therapy

The Back-, Shoulder- & Neck Massage is a focused treatment specifically tailored to address the unique needs of these areas. A perfect choice for those short on time but in need of quick and targeted muscular relief. The treatment is perfect for those who spend long hours at the desk or experience chronic stiffness. Intake and aftercare are included in the treatment. 

The session includes:

  • Intake: We'll begin by discussing your intentions and goals for the session.

  • Upper Body Massage: Focusing on the common areas of tension and discomfort.

30 mins |  €40 Student Discount
30 mins |  €45 
3x 30 mins |  €120

Nervous System Coaching

Nervous system coaching is a specialized approach that focuses on understanding and regulating your nervous system to improve overall well-being and resilience. By using tailored techniques and practices, it helps you manage stress, anxiety, and emotional responses more effectively. This type of coaching aims to enhance your ability to remain calm under pressure, recover from stress quickly, and maintain a balanced state of mental and physical health. It's an empowering process that fosters a deeper connection with your body's natural rhythms, promoting long-term health and emotional stability.

60 mins |  €55
5x 6
0 mins |  €250

“I have been going to Nikoletta for quite some time now, she really helped my body to relax and 'heal' again during stressful times in my life. She is very competent and also very kind. I would 1000% recommend it!”

— Cato.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.