“Guide me to be a patient companion, to listen with a heart as open as the sky.”

—Miller WR, Rollnick S.


My name is

Nikoletta Hittmann.

I’m a neurospicy, millennial, body-mind practitioner who loves helping people discover the power and potential of their body-mind connections.

I was born and raised in Budapest, Hungary, but nine years ago, I moved to the Netherlands. Currently, my physical practice is located in Groningen, the Netherlands, and internationally, I offer my therapeutic services online in Hungarian, English, and Dutch

I come from the world of complementary medicine. Six years ago, I started as a massage therapist and swiftly recognized the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. This realization prompted me to pursue extensive training in therapeutic touch, trauma-informed approaches, alternative movement practices, bodywork, somato education, nervous system regulation, meditation, polyvagal theory, applied kinesiology, psilocybin microdosing, and somatic therapy.

I’m currently transitioning into becoming a Somatic Trauma and Naturopathic Practitioner, exploring somatic healing modalities such as somatic psychology, meditation, neuroscience, somatic movement techniques, and plant medicine healing. Continuous learning is essential to me, and I have taken various international courses and training to offer diverse and high-quality services to my clients.

As a member of the Dutch professional organization CAT (Collectief Alternatieve Therapeuten) since 2022, I am committed to providing responsible and competent care to those who visit my practice.

In 2023, I participated in research with the Hanze University of Applied Sciences to find better ways to communicate about somatic therapy and trauma-informed approaches.

To broaden my practice, I am currently enrolled in a two-year training program to become a Somatic Trauma Therapist lead by Babette Rothschild and another program to be able to practice as a naturopathic practitioner. Since 2022, I have also been volunteering for an association in Hungary that assists students from families facing financial or environmental challenges with their studies.


Education and Training

  • Massage therapy HBO - Holistic Healing Center Massage Education (Holisztikus Terápia Lóczi Márta) , Budapest 2019

  • Basic medical knowledge HBO -  Konnektív Felnőttképző, Budapest 2023

  • Psychosociale basiskennis - Con Amore, 2024, Online

  • Nervous system regulation practitioner training - Nervous System Reset by Jessica Schaffer, 2019

  • Working with triggers from a body-based perspective certificate - Nervous System Reset by Jessica Schaffer, 2020

  • Manual lymphatic drainage massage certificate - Mark Perren-Jones Spa Training Academy, 2020

  • Acupressure for pain relief certificate - Mark Perren-Jones Spa Training Academy, 2020

  • Spiritual coach certificate - Holistico, 2023

  • Emotional freedom techniques - Opleidengscentrum Kersten, Maastricht, 2022

  • Usui reiki practitioner certificate - Lisa Power, 2019

  • Family Constellation 1. Modul - Monika Szokan, Budapest 2024

Workshop, Certification, Events:

  • Braingym 101 - Educational Kinesiology (Certification) - Egyensúlyért, Budapest 2024

  • Trauma-informed massage therapy certificate - Alignment by Kelly Glynn, Online 2020

  • Master neuroscience and neuroanatomy (Workshop) - Dr. Najeeb Lectures, 2024

  • Basic neuroscience of complex PTSD and recovery (Workshop) - MindBody Breakthrough, Wale Oladipo, 2023 

  • Neuroplasticity and movement therapy (Workshop) - Feövenyessy Medical Fitness Akadémia, Budapest, 2023

  • Trauma-informed coaching and counseling (Certification) Restoration Academy Trey Malicot M.S., Online, 2024

  • NeuroEmergence 2023

  • Neurodiversity Education Academy:
    Strengths-Based Approaches to Neurodiversity - Saskia Wenniger
    - Executive Functioning Skills - Dr. Siobhan Lamb
    - Harnessing the Power of Growth Mindset - Jana Jelenjev
    - Rewiring Our Brain to Lead With Our Strengths - Jana Jelenjev and Saskia Wenniger
    - Understanding Interoception - Saskia Wenniger
    - Understanding Executive Functioning - Saskia Wenniger and Jana Jelenjev
    - Understanding Post Traumatic Growth - Jana Jelenjev

Currently in training:

  • Naturopathic Practitioner (HBO) - Konnektív Felnőttképző, Budapest
    with minor in Alternative movement and massage therapy 

    Jun 2023 - Due to be completed in 2025

  • Somatic Trauma Therapist Training (Certification) with Babette Rothschild - Cambridge Body Psychotherapy Centre, Online
    April 2024 - Due to be completed in 2026

Get started with Me, today.