“If trying harder doesn’t work, try softer.”

—Lily Tomlin

This is a place where I believe in the power of healing through a bottom-up approach. My mission is to guide you in tuning into the body's own sensory signals—like feelings and physical sensations—and use this awareness to reshape the way your nervous system reacts.

So how do I create a safe and supportive environment?


Respect and Trust

Think of me as your body's best friend -always listening, never judging. Your comfort is my command, and everything you share stays between us.


Comfortable Setting

Imagine walking into a cozy oasis with soft lighting, relaxing music, and the comfiest massage table ever. It's like your body’s favorite vacation spot.


Trauma-Informed Approach

I handle your body with care and respect, ensuring you feel safe and in control. If something doesn’t feel right, just give me a heads-up, and we’ll switch things up.


Personalized Sessions

No one-size-fits-all appointments here! Every session is like a custom-made suit, designed just for you and your unique needs and preferences.


Clear Communication

 I keep things clear and simple, checking in with you regularly. If something feels off, just let me know - no telepathy is required!


Professional Boundaries

I keep things strictly professional. Think of it as a “no weird stuff” zone where your comfort and safety come first.


It is important to note that while bodywork and complementary medicine can be a helpful tool in the healing process, it is not a substitute for professional mental and medical health treatment. If you experience a mental or medical health crisis, it is recommended that you seek out the help of a mental health professional in addition to receiving bodywork.

The sessions offered by Soul Trusting Massage and BodyWork are unsuited for individuals with urgent mental or medical health crisis. If you feel you are at breaking point and you need urgent help contact immediately with:

  • your GP 

  • Ambulance/Health emergency – 112 

  • Netherlands Suicide Hotline – 0800 0113

As a CAT collective therapist, I fall under Wkkgz complaint law and disciplinary law at the Alternative Therapists Dispute Body (GAT). GAT is a state-recognized and complete independent Wkkgz dispute committee. For more information about my complaints procedure see https://gatgeschillen.nl/ .


Payment options

I accept cash (euro), debit- and credit cards. After your session if you have a Dutch bank account I will offer to send you a payment link via WhatsApp. If you choose to pay with a credit card that’s also fine, in this case you can just use the card reader.

Tips are always appreciated but never a must.


At the practice, the treatments provided are not eligible for reimbursement by health insurers. Although I am a member of a Dutch professional organization, I have deliberately chosen not to enter into contracts with health insurers. The compensation process for practitioners involves fulfilling numerous requirements and conditions, such as a specific number of continuing education courses annually, which may not align with my personal interests. Additionally, many Dutch health insurers do not accept internationally-based courses, which I frequently attend. The significant administrative burden associated with these processes also influenced my decision.

Cancellation policy

I understand that sometimes life requires scheduling changes. My desire is to be effective and fair to all clients, the following policies are honoured: (Please note: if you are feeling sick, have COVID like symptoms or have been exposed to someone who's tested positive for COVID-19, please call ASAP to reschedule your appointment).

24 hour advance notice is required when cancelling an appointment. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to give 24 hours advance notice you will be charged 50% the full cost of your appointment.

  • No-shows

Anyone who either forgets or chooses to forget their appointment will be considered a "no-show" and will be charged the full cost of their "missed" appointment.

  • Late arrivals

If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending how late you arrive, I will then determine if there is enough time remaining to start a treatment. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, you will be responsible for the "full" session, Out of respect and consideration to your therapist and other customers, please plan accordingly and be on time.


I have 15 available spots each week at Soul Trusting Massage and BodyWork. As I don't have fixed opening hours, I recommend checking my online agenda to see available appointment times. If you don't find a time that works for you, you can reach out to me through various channels such as messaging me on WhatsApp, sending an email, or DMing me on my social media pages. I don't recommend calling me as I may not be able to answer the phone most of the time. The quickest way to reach me is through WhatsApp.


The primary language in the practice right now is English. I am doing most of my continuing education in English as well.

However, I speak fluently in Hungarian (that is my native language) and have a really good understanding and speaking skills in Dutch as well.

So if the only reason you are doubting booking an appointment is that you feel you don’t speak enough good English, that’s something you should not worry about! I am more than happy to do the intake in Dutch with you.

I may mix the two languages here and there but if you don’t mind, you are more than welcome to speak Dutch in the practice!

Intake process 

Before our session, I will send you some forms to fill out online. One is called an intake form, and the other is a treatment agreement document. Why do you need to fill them out? Well, it's to save time during our session. When you tell me about your history, goals, and health in these forms, it helps me understand you better. This way, our time together can be more focused on what you need. These forms make sure our session is personalized just for you. They also help me create a safe and comfortable experience, especially since we'll be working with your body. The treatment agreement document talks about consent and confidentiality. It's there to make sure we're clear about how we work together, ensuring transparency and following ethical standards in your journey.

Those documents are available both in English and in Dutch.

Let me help you find care that's right for you.